CS 528: Machine Learning Systems Seminar

Course Details:

We’re excited to be offering CS528, a seminar course at Stanford on the frontier of machine learning systems in Fall ‘21 with an all-star cast of invited speakers every week from industry and academia.

Machine learning is driving exciting changes and progress in computing. What does the ubiquity of machine learning mean for how people build and deploy systems and applications? What challenges does industry face when deploying machine learning systems in the real world, and how can academia rise to meet those challenges?

In this seminar series, we’ll take a look at the frontier of machine learning systems, and how machine learning changes the modern programming stack. Our goal is to curate a curriculum of awesome work in ML systems that helps drive research focus to interesting questions.

This class is offered CR/NC only. If you signed up for a letter grade, please change your grading basis on Axess to CR/NC.

Course Requirements:

Students can miss up to two seminars/discussion sessions per quarter, but they are expected to watch the YouTube recording of the seminar in these cases.

Stanford students can sign up for the class now!